Icebreaker Aero Tank

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Icebreaker Aero Tank Icebreaker Aero Tank Icebreaker Aero Tank

The Icebreaker Aero Tank makes me want to shave my armpits. Wait, what? Let me back it up a bit. I’m a fan of keeping things simple, fast, and easy. I’m not a fan of shaving my pits; it’s just so much more time consuming in the shower! But this tank makes me want to, so I’m not terrifying you with underarm bush while we’re on the trail.

I stumbled across this gem while browsing at the Icebreaker store and it had to come home with me. It’s just so lightweight, breezy and comfortable! Oh, and the color is great.

The 120 Featherweight merino wool is designed to be your best friend during hot summer months. It wicks away sweat and moisture and keeps you cool and comfortable. It is so incredibly lightweight that I usually stow it in my pack for those days where I need to shed some extra cloth.

The fit is standard and fairly relaxed. I like my shirts on the looser side, and I’m really good at accidentally throwing shirts in the dryer. An XS fit me fairly snugly, while the S provided a little more breathing room.

The Icebreaker tank is easily one of my go-to tops on hot, summer days and an impulse purchase I don’t regret. Buy through Icebreaker for $49.99.

If you really, really, really hate shaving your pits, Icebreaker also makes an Aero Short-Sleeve Crew for $59.99.

PS – don’t forget to wear lots of sunblock.


  1. Icebreaker gear is the bomb. Love wearing this stuff!

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