Life Wipes… the shower struggle is real

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Life Wipes Kickstarter

I hate showering. It takes forever and sometimes I just want to spend that time doing something else. When I’m camping or climbing, it’s totally acceptable because you know, outside and dirt and stuff. Back in San Francisco? Not so much. I mean, if I’m not really that sweaty, or if I’m just going to get sweaty again riding my bike, what’s the point? There’s still a drought, even with all this rain. For days like those or when you’re just playin’ outside, there are Life Wipes.

This San Francisco-based company has taken baby wipes and SUPER SIZED them. And by super sized, I mean super sized! A whole whoppin’ 2 feet by 1 feet of clean, non-showering, unscented goodness. Each wipe comes in its own little recyclable packet, so you’re not accidentally pulling out five at a time, or ripping off the flimsy little resealable sticker and drying out all your wipes. The wipes are made of all-natural spunlace biodegradable cotton. Soothing aloe vera and vitamin E help keep your skin in top shape, especially when you forgot that sunscreen and are looking a little toasty.

The cheapest tier is $25 for 10 wipes. The more wipes you buy, the more cost effective it gets, ending in $125 for 100 wipes. According to their Kickstarter page, the Life Wipes are due to ship at the end of September. The Life Wipe campaign is already fully backed, so click here to get yours. The campaign ends on Friday, May 13. Smell ya out there!

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