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Aether Apparel Elite Leggings

Aether Apparel Elite Leggings Gear Review

A good pair of leggings is really hard to find. Some are too tight, some too loose. Some too thin, some don’t give enough support. Some show too much, and some have questionable manufacturers that I just can’t bring myself to support.

Cue Aether Apparel, a Los Angeles-based brand who prides itself on blending both form and function. The brand meticulously prides itself on every stitch and detail in their products. I’m always in the market for new leggings. One quick stop inside their San Francisco shipping containers and I was sold on the Elite Leggings.

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Basic Technical Ice Climbing with SWS Mountain Guides

Basic Technical Ice Climbing SWS Mountain Guides review

You know when people buy Christmas presents for their significant others that they totally want for themselves? Yeah, guilty. I’m that person. When it comes to gift giving, I’m of the belief that experiences are so much better than physical items. Things break, get lost. Memories are forever.

This year for Christmas, I scoured the internet for a good deal on an adventure. I like to start my Christmas shopping early, so just happened to be browsing around and googling ice climbing courses in California when I came across SWS Mountain Guides. Checked their Yelp reviews. Googled some more. Then hit the jackpot. They were having a fall sale on their trips! 20% off everything! I whipped out my credit card and signed up for a class over MLK weekend.

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