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Ferment & Forage with the Little River Inn

Ferment and Forage Experience Little River Inn Mendocino Countryman Forager

The Little River Inn recently extended an invite to attend their  first ever Ferment and Forage Experience celebrating the gathering food from the land and sea. I grew up picking blackberries on bushes at summer camp and eating vinegar ants right out of the ant hill. After hearing countless stories of how friends foraged for mushrooms and the like in my metaphorical backyard, I wanted to learn how.

Ferment and Forage Experience Little River Inn Mendocino Countryman Forager

The Little River Inn brought Kevin from Countryman Forager, folx from Freedive Shop, Emma from Rising Tide Sea Vegetables, and the Inn’s own manager and resident fermenter, Cally, for foraging and cooking demos. If you’ve ever been curious about eating in the wild, this event is an excellent stepping stone.

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