3 Easy Ways to Conserve Water in a Drought

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Yosemite Hetch Hetchy Reservoir Drought

With the Sierra Nevada snowpack at a virtually non-existent level of 5% of historic average, running out of water in California isn’t something that’s too far-fetched. I came up with a few tips to help conserve water while we still have it:

1. Don’t wash your clothes.

Lake Tahoe Drought

With fabrics like merino wool and technologies like Polygiene and silver ions to help you control odor, it’s totally ok if you wear one shirt the entire week to reduce laundry frequency. If your clothes start smelling too bad, just keep your distance from friends or warn them in advance that you’re helping to conserve water.

My picks for stink-free style? Icebreaker Tech T Lite, SN Super.Natural W Base Tee 140, Outdoor Research Ignitor Tee, Arc’teryx Motus Crew Long Sleeve

2. Don’t shower.

Lassen Volcanic National Park Kings Creek Falls Drought

You don’t smell… that bad. The average American shower uses 17.2 gallons of water and lasts 8.2 minutes. Shower 7 days a week and that’s 120.4 gallons of water!

Forgoing showering doesn’t mean you have to walk around extra stinky and covered in dirt. A little deodorant and some wet wipes go a long way.

I love the Acure Organics Argan Oil Cleansing Towelettes for removing grime.

3. Don’t flush the toilet when you pee.

Yosemite National Park Clouds Rest Drought

If it’s yellow, let it mellow. Depending on the age of your toilet, one flush can use from 1.28 to 7 gallons of water per flush. Factor in the number of times you’re chilling on the porcelain a day; it adds up. A little yellow never hurt anyone. Every little bit of water saved counts!

All of these steps seem a little familiar? Sounds a lot like camping to me!

How do you conserve water every day?

1 comment

  1. The easiest way to conserve water is to simply not use any. Who needs to shower and why waste the water flushing a toilet when you can just go outside. Awesome post thanks for sharing!

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